CALF(TM) LMS Use Cases for CSR Initiatives


CALF™ LMS Use Cases for CSR Initiatives Successful implementation of a CSR initiative, be it diversity, volunteer training, or eco-literacy, involves delivering volumes of subject matter to a large audience in a simplified and effective manner. With the rising popularity of learning management systems (LMSs) in eLearning design and development, various organizations have been leveraging […]



CALF™ LMS Use Cases For NGOs The need for an LMS to train and upskill learners has grown exponentially across various sectors in the last decade. Numerous organizations worldwide leverage one to manage all their eLearning activities. This includes small and big businesses for corporate training, national government agencies, local governments, educational institutions, etc. This […]

Use Case: Microlearning


Use Case: Microlearning With growing internet connectivity, 24-hour television, and rising smartphone penetration, there has been an exponential increase in the creation and consumption of information. Consequently, traditional learning methods favoring large and detailed chunks of information are not as effective for today’s learners.  Microlearning has attracted worldwide attention in recent years for various reasons. […]