Are your teams competitive enough in today's world?
Most organizations spend considerable sums of money training their sales teams and leadership teams , for good reasons. They want them to stay competitive and successful. More importantly, such teams need to be learning continuously to stay competitive. Therefore, a key question arises: How do we know that such teams are learning continuously?
As a Learning company, NuVeda is committed to learning always for its own benefit and for the benefit of its customers as well. To understand organizational learning better, we came up with a diagnostic that measures the learning of an organization across 3 dimensions: a) the organization as a whole; b) the teams in the organization, and c) the individual.
There were three basic outcomes of this effort
1) We were able to capture a Learning Culture Metric (LCM) for our organization. This is a number between 1 and 10, and allows you to benchmark with other organizations or teams within a company.
If you are interested in finding out the LCM for your organization, please contact us here.
2) We discovered that in order to increase the LCM by 10% we had to do a considerable amount of work across multiple dimensions.
3) We realized that we need a more continuous way of growing learning in our company, and created a unique social learning ecosystem called GOL that has the following traits: Learning, Accountability, Excellence, Feedback Culture, Recognition and Data Centricity, all tied to a Gamified Leaderboard.

We tried it, and within 3 weeks, we saw learning increase multi-fold across diverse topics. For example, our teams shared learning across multiple disciplines: sales, technology, health and wellness, planning, software development practices and more. We were able to identify how our teams learn, the breadth and depth of learning, as well as identify team members who are learning accelerators and facilitators.
If GOL is of interest to you, please contact us here. We are now accepting the first 10 companies who wish to engage in a pilot with us.
(1) – The sales training market is estimated to be in excess of $2.5B worldwide. Source: Training Industry Reports.